Whether you love cleaning or hate it, the idea of a spring clean can be daunting for most of us! Here are our recommendations to help put a spring in your step!
As the saying goes, you are only as good as your tools. With that in mind, it’s wise to get your cleaning equipment in order. Having the correct equipment will make the job so much easier. There are hundreds of products available on the market so we’ve kept it simple with our list of essentials:
There are many benefits to using eco-friendly cleaning products. As well as helping the environment, green cleaning is safer and healthier for you and your family as you will not have to worry about breathing in harmful chemicals. You can even make your own green cleaning products. Why go out and buy new products when you probably have things you can use at home such as white wine vinegar, lemons, salt and baking soda? Whether you make or buy, we recommend you are equipped with the following:
The hardest part of any cleaning task is knowing where to start. Having a plan of action will help you to approach things methodically. This may be a case of simply writing every individual task in a list. There are loads of tick lists you can download for free online.
Another way to approach your clean is to plan your tasks on a room by room basis. Alternatively, you may split your jobs by individual tasks such as vacuuming, wiping and dusting.
Once you’ve got a plan in place, be realistic about how long your clean will take. Many hands make light work so if you’ve managed to recruit a team you can probably smash through your spring clean on a Saturday morning. If you prefer to work independently, then consider separating your tasks over a week.
A running theme of our blog is avoiding clutter! Your home will look better clutter free and you will feel more relaxed! From a cleaning perspective, the less you have, the easier tidying will be. The tidier your house, the easier any aspect of cleaning will be!
When approaching a room, always start from the top. After dusting the ceiling and lampshade, wipe the tops of cabinets or shelves before surfaces and finally move down to the floor. That way any dust and debris will fall to the floor saving you from having to clean twice.
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