In light of the continuing problems and challenges we all face with COVID-19, the following is our policy with regards to viewing of unoccupied properties. We have tried to take a sensible, practical and we hope workable solution to what is a difficult problem, ensuring that the interests and safety of all concerned, namely our staff, clients and customers are maintained. We have also followed the recent release of government guidelines:
Booking a viewing
On a request for a viewing, we will complete the necessary health assessment form for all viewers, this will be retained on our database and held securely under the terms and conditions of the data protection act. If satisfactory and with no obvious health issues, a viewing will be arranged. Contact will be made with the client to advise you of the date and time of the inspection. All viewings will be spaced out at at least 2 hour intervals. We will contact the viewer again on the date of the viewing to assess their up-to-date health position. There will be limited time allocated for the viewing of 60 minutes, this will allow the house to be cleaned on the day before your viewing but the house will also have had a full clean and disinfectant on that morning (or the night before if it is a morning viewing). Our staff members will not enter the premises with the prospective viewers wherever possible but if this is needed for any reason then social distancing must be observed at all times.
Arriving for a viewing
Please stay in your car and a member of our staff will call you at the allocated time and invite to meet you at the sales office front door where they will then direct you into the house.
If there are other cars in the carpark, please be aware of parking away from them so that social distancing between people getting in and out of their cars can be practised.
Please do not enter the house as soon as you arrive incase there is anyone else still in the house, or if we are still cleaning it. We will do everything possible to not keep you waiting but equally want to ensure that the house has been fully cleaned before you enter.
Please look out for this sign and wait here until a member of our team can come to meet you.
We ask that you bring your own PPE to site to wear during the visit and this is to include at a minimum a face mask and some gloves, that can either be disposed off at the site in the allocated hazardous waste bins or taken away with you. Please do not leave them around the house you have viewed or on our site.
The bin to dispose of your PPE is situated in the corner of the sales centre car park and clearly marked with this sign:
At Wessington we have a sales office in the garage within the showhouse, our sales representative will wait in here throughout the duration of the viewing and we ask that you enter the showhome through the front door as directed by the sales representative.
On entering the sales office, please take note of the signage displaying the measures we have put in place and we will explain to you the safety procedures that you need to be aware of whilst walking around our houses.
On entering the property, please use the hand sanitising stations to disinfect your hands or gloves that you have on.
If you do wish to have a further discussion with the sales representative after you have viewed the property, please come back to the sales office entrance door and the discussion can be carried out at a social distance and from the door. If a longer discussion is needed then we can sit within the kitchen and family living space of the show home with your Meadowview representative sat at the island and the viewer at the dining table as this will demonstrate a 2m distance between both parties.
There are stickers on the floor of the sales offices that indicate the 2m distancing space and please ensure that you take note of these and stay within these perimeters at all times.
Only 2 members of the family will be allowed to view with no children or extended members of the family and no pets are allowed. We will ensure that the viewer will be advised to wear appropriate PPE which includes gloves and face masks. Failure to do so will mean that the viewing cannot take place. Our staff will also wear the appropriate PPE.
Please take note of the signs on display when entering the office or showhome.
Entering the house or showhome
We will ask you to remove your shoes when you enter the showhome or individual property.
If you are entering a house that has someone working within it then there will be a sign on display and we ask that you respect that someone is already inside the house and not enter it until further notice.
Please be aware that all doors within the property will be left open so that you do not need to open doors and touch handles, please ensure that if you do open or touch any items within the property that you use some of the disinfectant wipes provided to wipe over the surfaces before you leave the room and the house.
Please do ask if you have any questions or if anything is unclear and we will ask you to sign a form on site to show that you have understood and agree by the safety measures that we have put in place.
Finishing the viewing
As you finish your viewing we will ask for feedback from you on the viewing itself and also on the safety measures in place and if you have any further comments please do let us know.
After every customer visit we will fully wipe down all key areas prior to the next appointment.
Many thanks for your time in ready this procedure document and we hope to see you on site in the near future.
For a quick and effective response contact our friendly and experienced team.