While moving into a new home is filled with excitement, the period of adjustment can be a little more challenging for our beloved furry friends. Here we consider some simple ways to help your pet settle into your new home.
Try to maintain established routines. You’ll no doubt have plenty to do after moving house but usual meal times and walks for dogs will help to provide them with structure.
When moving into a shiny new home, you’ll probably want to buy new interiors to style your space. However, don’t rush to replace pet accessories such as beds or food bowls. Try to provide as much familiarity as possible and make changes slowly and gradually.
In the rush to sort your new home you’ll no doubt be busy sorting everything out. This can leave your pet feeling neglected. Give them lots of attention and this will help to calm their anxiety.
Leaving your pet home alone might be daunting for them if you’ve recently moved house so try to avoid it where possible, especially for the first few days. If leaving them is unavoidable, provide them with plenty of toys and treats to keep them occupied so they barely notice you’ve gone.
If you have a dog, give them lots of walks. All dogs love walkies and if they are well exercised they will be relaxed and calm when you get home.
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